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General information on Nagoya University’s information services

 Currently, Nagoya University ID and THERS Account can be used in parallel at Nagoya University. The information systems authentication will be gradually updated from “Nagoya University ID” to “THERS Account” by the middle of AY2023.

As of April 2023, the status of authentication for each service is as follows.

 If you have any questions after checking the information on this page, please first refer to the “FAQ” at the URL below.

Organization Account (THERS Account) Help Center

 If you still have questions after reviewing the FAQ, please inquire at the contact listed in section 3. below.

1.Information infrastructure environment set up before using information services (Procedures for activating your THERS Account and Nagoya University ID)

(1) For new students enrolled in 2023

Step1.Check your THERS account

Undergraduate students:
Confirmation period: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 – Monday, April 3, 2023

 Please refer to 【Important】 the initial notification of enrollment(【必読】 入学当初に関するお知らせ in Japanese), which will also be distributed in print on April 3.

Graduate and transfer students:
Confirmation period: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 – Friday, April 7, 2023

 Please refer to the “Check your THERS account online” (download), and confirm your THERS account. When confirming it, you will be required to enter your “Account Security Code” and date of birth. “The Account Security Code” is the 10-digit “Serial number” on the “Photo form for student ID” distributed with Guides to Entrance Registration Procedure.

【Reference】For newly hired instructors and part-time instructors who will be in charge from Spring Semester of AY2023

 Please refer to the Notification for THERS Account and Nagoya University ID distributed by administrative staff.

【Reference】For instructors other than the above (including part-time instructors)

 Please log in to the following site using your Nagoya University ID to check your THERS Account.


Step2.Information infrastructure environment set up

 After your THERS account becomes available, please refer to the following Information and Communications site “How to set up your information infrastructure environment at Nagoya University (for new students, staffs, and faculties)” and follow the procedures from the top. Many procedures are required such as setting up Nagoya University ID and “Multi-Factor Authentication CAS” for strengthening information security. After completing these procedures, you will be able to access Nagoya University Portal, Educational Support System (TACT) and Teams.

How to set up your information infrastructure environment at Nagoya University (for new students, staffs, and faculties)

*Inquiries regarding the information on the page above, please contact the IT help desk.

 Inquiry Form:https://qa.icts.nagoya-u.ac.jp/

(2) For current students other than new students

 Please refer to the Information and Communications site above, and if there are any procedures that you have not yet completed, please finish all the steps.

2.Nagoya University’s major information services (URL is linked in each title)

(1) ICT services available with Nagoya University ID

  • Nagoya University Portal

     It is a comprehensive entrance to electronic information services where members of Nagoya University use for daily education and research activities such as class registration and grades.

  • NUWNET(Nagoya University Wireless Network)

     It is a free wireless LAN service for members of the university. Prior application is required for the first use.

(2) ICT services available with THERS Account

3. Contact Information

    Inquiries regarding Nagoya University ID
    (Nagoya University ID , Information Security Training/Information Security Self-Inspection, and Multi-Factor Authentication)

    • Inquiry from the Web
      IT Help Desk
    • E-mail:

    Inquiries regarding THERS Account
    (THERS mail, THERS account, and MS365)