おしらせ / Notice
証明書発行手数料の変更について /Change in Certificate Issuance Fee
決済方法の追加に伴うメンテナンスのお知らせ /maintenance for additional payment methods
郵送料の変更ついて / Change in Shipping Fee
Language selection function is implemented. (Select from Japanese or English)
※ 3/25~4/3に申し込みのあった卒業生の初回申請および郵送(窓口受取含む)での証明書発行には通常より対応にお時間をいただきます。
期間:3月28日(金)17時00分~4月2日(水)9時30分 The Online Application System (Issuance at convenience stores) will be out of service during the following period due to maintenance. Please be aware that the issuance of certificates for first registration for Alumni and former students (User Registration) and sending by post (including picking up the university counter), will take longer than usual on March 25 to April 3 will be longer than usual. Period:From 17:00 on Friday, March 28 to 9:30 on Tuesday, April 2 |
名古屋大学在籍中の皆様へ_重要なお知らせ 2024年1月10日(水)より、認証方式が名大IDから機構アカウントに変わりました。 詳細はこちらをご参照ください。 To all students at Nagoya University_Important Notice From January 10, 2024 (Wed.), the authentication method has been changed from Nagoya University ID to THERS account. Please refer to here for details. |
その場合、一つ前の画面に戻り生年月日や卒業(修了)年度を翌日または翌月で入れてください。 For those who use the service from overseas If you are using the service from overseas, the time zone setting on your device may cause your date of birth or year of graduation (completion) to appear as the previous day or month.In that case, go back to the previous page and enter your date of birth or year of graduation (completion) with the following day or month. |
在学者 | 郵送 | システム利用料150円/1申請+郵送料※3 |
コンビニ発行※1 | 300円/1通 + システム利用料150円/1申請 | |
窓口受取※2 | 無料 | |
卒業者・修了者・退学者等の離籍者 | 郵送 | 450円/1通 + システム利用料150円/1申請 + 郵送料※3 |
コンビニ発行※1 | 450円/1通 + システム利用料150円/1申請 | |
窓口受取※2 |
- 厳封について,コンビニエンスストアで発行した証明書を厳封することはできません。厳封を希望する場合は,窓口受取または郵送申請をしてください。
- 外務省ではコンビニ発行の証明書を受け付けていません。外務省へ提出する場合は,オンライン申請をする前に教務担当窓口までお問い合わせください。
※1 コンビニエンスストアに対して印刷料金がかかります。
※2 窓口受取は申請者本人のみ受取可能です。
※3 郵送料には郵便料金や封筒代等、証明書発送手続きの諸費用が含まれます。
以下の証明書は証明書自動発行機※1またはオンライン申請(コンビニ発行、郵送、窓口受取)で発行できます。在学証明書 (和・英) | 卒業/修了 見込証明書※2 (和) | 学業成績 証明書※3 (和・英) | 健康診断 証明書※4 (和・英) | 学位証明書※3 (和・英) | 学割証 | 国費外国人留学生※5 証明書 | |
証明書自動発行機 | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ※3 | ○ | × |
オンライン申請 | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | × | × | ※5 |
※1 学内に設置されている証明書自動発行機(設置場所一覧)から学生証と名大ID認証を用いて発行することができます。
※2 学部および博士前期課程の最終学年から発行できます。ただし,休学中は自動発行できません。
※3 在学中であっても,過去に在籍していた課程に係る証明書の発行(例:博士後期課程在籍中の者が博士前期課程や学部在籍時の証明書を発行する場合)については,離籍者と同じ取り扱いとなります。ただし,学内設置の証明書自動発行機での発行は無料となります。
※4 健康診断証明書は健康診断を受診しないと発行されません(英文については異常所見なし かつ 精密検査を受けていないことも条件です)。発行申請前に,健康診断システムから結果を確認してください。英語版の健康診断証明書が学内発行機から出力できない方で,証明書が必要な場合は保健管理室に相談してください。
※5 国費外国人留学生証明書は,オンライン申請のうえ,郵送もしくは窓口受取を選択してください。コンビニエンスストアでは発行できません。
※6 学業成績証明書が自動発行機から発行できない者は,オンライン申請のうえ,窓口受取を選択すると無料発行となります。
ログイン サイト(在学生) |
学位証明書 | 学業成績証明書 | その他証明書 | |
オンライン申請 | ○ | ○ | ※お問合せください |
新規登録はこちら |
ログイン サイト(離籍者) |
All applications for the issuance of certificates to the University are accepted via online application. In addition to online applications, current students can also use the issuing machines on campus.<Application and Issuance Methods>
Current students: Online application and issuing machines on campus
Alumni and former students: Online application only
Method of receiving for online application: Convenience store, Postal Mail, or Receiving at Educational Affairs section of each (Graduate) School
*After selecting the receiving method, you will be asked to specify the type of certificate, but some receiving methods are limited to certain types of certificates and eligible persons. For details, please refer to the details described below.
About certificate issuance service of Nagoya University
Nagoya University offers online certificate application and certificate issuance service at convenience stores in Japan.
Current students and alumni can apply online 24 hours a day.
About Online Application
Apply online using a PC or smartphone. The application sites are different for current students and alumni, so please read each section.
Current students can also use Certificate Issuing Machines on the campus.
Receipt methods
You can choose one of the following options for receiving your certificate.
1. Convenience store (only for some certificates. [Details])
2. Postal Mail
3. Receiving at Educational Affairs section of each (Graduate) School※
※If you wish to pick up your certificate at the counter, the certificate will be kept at the department counter for 3 months after it is issued.
If you fail to pick up your certificate after 3 months, it will be destroyed.
If you need the certificate again, please apply for it again.
Issuance fee
An issuance fee for certificates has been required.
Applicant status | Receipt methods | Issuance fee |
Curent Students | Postal Mail | 150 Yen/ 1 application + Shipping fee※3 |
Convenience store*1 | 300Yen/ 1 copy +System Fee (150 Yen/ 1 application) | |
Receiving at Educational Affairs section of each (Graduate) School*2 | no charge | |
Alumni and former students | Postal Mail | 450Yen/ 1 copy + System Fee (150 Yen/ 1 application) + Shipping fee※3 |
Convenience store*1 | 450Yen/ 1 copy +System Fee (150 Yen/ 1 application) | |
Receiving at Educational Affairs section of each (Graduate) School*2 |
*2 Only the applicant can pick up at the counter.
*3 Shipping fee means the fee for various procedures to send the issued certificates.
– If you require a certificate which is sealed tightly, please choose “Postal Mail” or “Receiving at Educational Affairs section of each (Graduate) School” on Receipt method choosing.
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan does not accept certificates issued by convenience stores. If you are required to submit certificates to The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, please inquire the Educational Affairs of each (Graduate) School in advance.
Certificates which are obtainable on this service
Application procedures differ for current students and Alumni, so please refer to each section.
Curent Students
Certificates below are available on the certificate issuing machines of each campus (map) or online application.
Student Status Certificate (JP/EN) | Certificate of Expected (date) Graduation (BA,MA)(JP) | Transcripts (JP/EN) | Certificate of Medical Examination (JP/EN) | Certificate of Graduation (BA, MA, PhD) degree(JP/EN) | Certificate of Student Discount (JR) | Japanese Government Scholarship Student Certificate | |
Issuing machines | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ▲ | ○ | × |
Online application | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | × | × | ▲ |
– Currently enrolled students, issuing certificates that display past records, will be identified and treated as, “former” students in the system”▲”. However if current students receive certificate of past records at a Nagoya University counter or obtain from the University’s Certificate Issuing Machines, no fees are charged.
– Certificate of Medical Examination is available for students below:
Before applying for Certificate of Medical Examination, please check your result of Medical Examination on online reservation system.
健康診断システム:Online reservation system of Medical Examination
If you are unable to obtain the English version of your medical certificate from the on-campus certificate issuing machine, please send Email of the link. Health Administration Office
Online application
LOGIN(for the person who has his/her ID)
Login (Curent Students:THERS Account and Password are required.) |
How to Access the Operating Manual. (After the first registration.)
Alumni, former students
Certificate of Graduation (BA,MA,PhD) (JP/EN) | Transcripts (JP/EN) | |
Online application | ○ | ○ |
– If you need a Graduation certificate or a Certificate of completion, please apply for issuing of Certificate of Graduation.
– In principle, it takes 3 business days for Japanese and 5 business days for English to issue a certificate.
– For obtaining Certificate of the Primary Qualification and Credits Earned, please contact the Educational Affairs Section of each (Graduate) School before carrying out online application.
For applying a Certificate of the Primary Qualification and Credits Earned, please choose “Other Certificates” and fill out the column.
– If you require the certificate which is not listed above, please contact the Educational Affairs Section of each (Graduate) School before carrying out online application. Depend on each situation, we cannot issue the certificate you need. In this case, transaction fees and postage fees are non-refunded.
How to apply
Certificate for Alumni and former students needs to use online application system.
Obtainable Certificates on this service (LINK)
If you need certificates which is NOT listed, please contact the Educational Affairs Section of each (Graduate) School before carrying out online application. Contact
(Step 1)Apply for the Service(First registration)
*THERS Account is NOT required for first registration for Alumni and former students.
First registration |
How to use the Online application for Alumni and former students (User Registration)
Please also check on page 44 (11.3.0)Login Manual for former students
After first registration, Nagoya University staff will approve the registration.
It will take 24 hours (Business day) before approval.
Current Students can log in using your THERS Account and Password from the “Login (Curent Students:THERS Account and Password are required.)” without First registration.
(Step 2)Login (After step 1)
Login site(Alumni, former students) |
How to Access the Operating Manual. (After the first registration.)
For details of certificates, please contact educational affairs section of each (Graduate) School.
窓口時間/Business hour: 平日9時00分~17時00分(9AM to 5PM of weekdays)